This page deals with the characters from Castlevania on the Nintendo 64.
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Reinhardt Schneider
Voiced by (English): Andrew Hanikson
"The destiny of my blood means I must destroy Dracula."
Though carrying a different name, he is a Belmont by blood and recognized as such by Death itself, who only addresses him as 'Belmont'. He's inherited the Vampire Killer whip as well as the duty of destroying Dracula whenever he arises. He was raised in the ways of the church and abhors attacking women and children, a trait that comes into question when he comes across a vampiress named Rosa in the abbey grounds. Even after her demise at the hands of Death, he remains resolute, successfully destroying Dracula's new incarnation and proving that even the damned are worthy of forgiveness.
- All the Other Reindeer: No pun intended. As explained in his backstory, Reinhardt grew up being known as a descendant of the Belmont Clan, but without their last name, he was mocked as a child as a pretender. This caused self-doubt in him, which eventually turned into a powerful drive to prove himself worthy of his family's legacy. Seeing as how Death itself recognized him as a Belmont by the end of the game, it's safe to assume he succeeded.
- Badass Normal: Ok, he comes from a long line of badass Vampire Killers; however, Reinhardt plays pretty much like the old-school Belmonts... just in 3-D. He doesn't get crazy magical powers or item crashes like the later Belmonts, he doesn't have vampiric or werewolf powers, temporary invincibility, or more modern weaponry. Just like Simon, Reinhardt accomplishes the task of defeating Dracula with only the Vampire Killer whip, the sub-weapons, a short sword and nothing else.
- Barbarian Hero: His alternate costume in 64 draws inspiration from the original Castlevania barbarian, Simon Belmont.
- Church Militant: Reinhardt is said to be part of an organisation within the Church. They are the ones who send Carrie and Henry along with him to vanquish Dracula.
- Earn Your Happy Ending: If you do everything right, Reinhardt not only rids the land of Dracula and his servants, but he also redeems Rosa's tortured soul and presumably lives happily ever after with her.
- Energy Weapon: Once you've managed to fully upgrade the Vampire Killer whip in Legacy of Darkness, it becomes a weapon of pure energy, producing impressive detonations on contact with the enemies.
- Epic Flail: Though Reinhardt's whip starts as a leather one at first and becomes a weapon of pure energy in its ultimate form, the second form of the Vampire Killer whip in Legacy of Darkness is essentially a long flail.
- Flaming Sword: A variation. When Reinhardt uses the fully upgraded knife sub-weapon, he throws volleys of them, all wreathed in flame.
- God Is Good: Believes God forgives all.
- Heroes Prefer Swords: Reinhardt has a short sword strapped to his waist, though it's a secondary weapon meant for close-range foes.
- Heroic Build: Reinhardt is built like a Tank. He has massive arms and shoulders, which he accentuates wearing some huge pauldrons. He stands alongside Simon as being one of the strongest-looking Belmonts, particularly considering the Bishonen style later taken by the series. He stands out even more when compared to the petite Carrie and the lean Cornell.
- Holy Hand Grenade: His Holy Water vials have this effect, which is spectacularly compounded once you fully upgrade the weapon, allowing him to burn his undead opponents in a veritable inferno of Holy flames.
- Hunter of Monsters: Though the protagonists of Castlevania are usually referred to as Vampire Hunters, Reinhardt, like a good Belmont scion, vanquishes every kind of monster in his quest to kill Dracula, from spiderwomen, to werewolves, spectres, demons, and even Death itself.
- Knight in Shining Armor: His default costume in Legacy of Darkness. His standard costume in 64 also counts, although his chest plate and pauldrons are of a much subtler color and under his vest. His alternate costume in 64 also has him wearing a red suit of armour meant to evoque Simon Belmont's armour.
- Knight Templar: Played with, although subtly. Reinhardt has no doubts dealing death to all the monsters he encounters in his quest... up until he meets Rosa, the tragic beauty. Her pacific and noble demeanor make him question his idea that Vampires and demons are without redemption. He even saves Rosa from suicide, and after she sacrifices her life for him, he prays for her absolution and comes to believe anyone can be redeemed.
- Men Are Tough: Reinhardt is one of the more manly-looking examples of a protagonist in Castlevania lore, and he seems to subscribe to these expectations about men, telling the boy Malus "You are a man, you can do it." when he sends him off after helping him escape Dracula's castle.
- Pretty in Mink: His outfit in 64 has what basically amounts to a fur high collar. Legacy of Darkness ditches it for more practical armor.
- Precision-Guided Boomerang: His cross subweapon acts as such. In particular, once upgraded, each cross will home in on any enemies in the area until it has killed three of them.
- Religious Bruiser: Physically the strongest and toughest playable character in both 64 and Legacy of Darkness, raised by his father and the Church, Reinhardt is built like a tank and as religious as they come.
- Scarf of Asskicking: A bright red one in 64.
- The Paladin: Reinhardt is undoubtedly one of the most devout vampire hunters in Castlevania, making the sign of the Cross at the game's start, he prevents Rosa's suicide saying that God forbids suicide even if you are a vampire, and he also prays to God for Rosa's absolution, giving her his cross to hold and reassuring her that she would be welcomed in Heaven, as she lays dying in his arms. Deconstructed, as Reinhardt was raised in the ways of the Church and his father's teaching to protect women and children, yet as a good Paladin, he has no qualms about destroying vampires wherever he finds them... up until he meets Rosa, a vampiress who laments her curse and the damnation of her soul. By the game's end, Reinhardt has come to believe anyone can be saved and forgiven. His unshakeable faith is rewarded when Rosa is resurrected, healed from her vampirism, thanks to her sacrifice and Reinhardt's bravery.
- Vampire Hunter: Reinhardt and all of his distinguished ancestry are renowned for this, though they do hunt everything that goes bump in the night.
- Wouldn't Hit a Girl: Subverted. He holds this initially, but then he's forced to fight Rosa, making him drop this out of necessity.
Carrie Fernandez
Voiced by (English): Bianca Allen
"While Dracula exists, children live in terror. I cannot desert them!"
A young descendant of the Fernandez (i.e. Belnades) clan of witches, she lost her family when she was a child. Hearing of Dracula's return, she sets out to put an end to his evil. It is through these events that she rediscovers the importance of family, most directly through her confrontations with the Wicked Witch Actrise. (And that Actrise really was quite a piece of work...)
- Badass Boast: Delivers one after defeating Actrise.
Carrie: "I have the power to subdue Dracula himself. You had no chance. Dracula knows this. He used you merely to delay me."
- Cute Witch: An adorable girl with the power to use magic thanks to her connection to the Belnades.
- Disappointed by the Motive: Right before their fight, Actrise tells Carrie about the time she slew her own child in attempt to gain immortality. Carrie quickly responds by calling it pathetic in contrast to her (Carrie's) stepmother making a sacrifice to save her stepchild's life.
- Energy Ball: Her weapon of choice.
- Homing Projectile: Her energy balls home in on targets.
- Inconsistent Dub: Carrie and Sypha have the exact same surname in Japanese (ヴェルナンデス Verunandesu), but the English versions translated this differently for both.
- Kid Hero: She's only 12.
- Little Miss Badass: She's able to take on Dracula despite her age.
- Puppy Love: In-universe. In one of the endings, Malus makes Carrie promise to marry him when they're older. But remember, everyone, Malus is Dracula...
- Rings of Death: Her secondary attack; if you charge up a fireball beforehand, the rings hit with the ball's strength.
- Squishy Wizard: Though aside from her homing fireballs, she doesn't use any magic spells. Her subweapons are the same as Reinhardt's.
- Token Mini-Moe: Her alternate outfit in 64 is even based off of Maria, the other Token Mini-Moe in the series.
- True Blue Femininity: She wears a blue dress in Legacy of Darkness.
Charlie Vincent
An elderly vampire hunter whom Carrie and Reinhardt meet in the Villa of Dracula's Castle.
- And Then John Was a Zombie: Gets turned into a vampire in the bad ending route.
- Hypocritical Humor: In the ending in which he gets turned into a vampire, he says, "I warned you…it does not do to treat vampires lightly," when the events imply that he did just that and got vampirized for it.
- Properly Paranoid: While he's introduced suspecting that Reinhardt or Carrie are vampires, he correctly realizes that Malus is really Dracula.
- Small Name, Big Ego: Zig-zagged. He talks down to the heroes for being amateurs compared to him, when he is never shown accomplishing what they do on-screen, thinks the key to the archives is useless when it's actually necessary as the maze garden key is there, and he gets turned into a vampire in the bad ending. However, in the good ending, he sees through Malus's deception and tosses holy water on him, forcing him to reveal his true form.
- Small Role, Big Impact: He mostly disappears after you first meet him, but whether he becomes a vampire determines what ending you get. If you end up killing him, you'll never catch on to Malus's deception and get the bad ending, but if he lives, he'll help expose Malus and get you the good ending.
- Weak, but Skilled: He's not much of a fighter, but he's knowledgeable about vampires and how to keep them at bay.
"I cannot stand this agony any more. A cursed soul, doomed to exist forever as a vampire..."
A young woman who was recently turned into a vampire, she now tends the rose garden of the Villa. Despite her affliction, she aids Reinhardt and Carrie by telling them where the key to the archives is located. She plays a major role in Reinhardt's story, which delves into her struggle with her vampirism.
- Anti-Villain: Although she is a vampiress and acts as a boss in Reinhart's story, she does not willfully oppose Reinhardt and Carrie, and she only fights Reinhardt due to being compelled by Death.
- Beauty Equals Goodness: Rosa is much more beautiful than the other monstrous vampires in Castlevania 64, and she is the only good one. When Reinhardt refuses to kill her, she asks if it is because he cannot kill what looks like an innocent woman or child.
- Driven to Suicide: She cannot stand the agony of living as a vampire, and so she tries to commit Suicide by Sunlight before Reinhardt stops her. She also begs Reinhardt to Strike Her Down, though he refuses each time.
- Fate Worse than Death: She considers her existence as a vampiress to be worse than death, since she believes that her cursed soul has been tainted by sin and can no longer find peace or forgiveness.
- Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Rosa is the only blonde vampire in Castlevania 64, and the only heroic one.
- I Hate You, Vampire Dad: Reinhardt deduces that it was Dracula's curse that made her a vampiress. Rosa sacrifices herself when she believes that Reinhardt can kill Dracula and prevent anyone else from suffering her fate.
- Heroic Sacrifice: She dies intercepting one of Death's scythes, which was about to strike Reinhardt.
- Meaningful Name: Rosa tends to the rose garden.
- Redemption Earns Life: In the good ending of Reinhardt's story, Rosa's Heroic Sacrifice is rewarded by being brought back to life as a human after Dracula's defeat.
- Token Heroic Orc: She's pretty much the only character in the entire series who doesn't undergo a Face–Heel Turn after becoming a vampire. Even Annette and the Lecarde sisters went full Card Carrying Villainess after being turned.
- Tortured Monster: Rosa believes her vampirism to be a Fate Worse than Death, with her constant agony leading her to be Driven to Suicide.
A witch who valued her beauty more than anything else in the world. She entered Dracula's service by sacrificing 100 children, including her own daughter. Is defeated by Carrie Fernandez.
- Card-Carrying Villain: She is proud of all of her atrocities, and scorns Carrie for the "weakness" of being a decent person.
- Faux Affably Evil: Seems polite and amiable, but is a monster of the worst kind and makes it known.
- Forced Transformation: She may not be a vampire herself (it's not clear), but her magic can turn unwilling victims into vampires, as she does with Camilla Fernandez and J.A. Oldrey.
- Gemstone Assault: Befitting her vain nature, she creates magic crystals with her power and uses them to shield herself as well as attacking others.
- Glamor Failure: Upon her defeat, her face horribly rots away before she is destroyed completely.
- Green-Eyed Monster: Is all but stated outright to envy Carrie's superior power and to covet it for herself by making her a vampire slave.
- Hot Witch: Is as beautiful as she is evil, and has the magic power to back them both up.
- It's All About Me: She even says she loves nobody but herself.
- Lady of Black Magic: Elegant and refined, and considerably powerful.
- Nightmare Face: Her horrifying true face is seen just before she dies.
- Offing the Offspring: As said multiple times here, she's killed her own daughter.
- Soft-Spoken Sadist: Actrise always remains poised and even, speaking of atrocities as if discussing her last meal.
- Staff of Authority: Carries a stylish golden one.
- Vain Sorceress: Her motivation for killing her daughter? Remaining young and beautiful.
- Wicked Witch: She gleefully sacrificed 100 children, including her own daughter, just to get in Dracula's good graces!
- Would Hurt a Child: At least a hundred of them, and probably more afterwards. She certainly has no qualms about harming 12-year-old Carrie.
Gilles de Rais
Voiced by (English): Michael Guinn
"So you thought you had won? To save the world is not so simple."
A vampire servant to Dracula. He is one of the three responsible for bringing Dracula back into the world in 1844 and again in 1852.
- Battle Butler: Has the look of one.
- Genius Bruiser: Serves as one, especially during Reinhardt and Carrie's quests.
- Final Boss: If you make it to the keep in 11+ days, he has already turned Charlie Vincent into a vampire, making it impossible to face Dracula himself. He also takes Dracula's appearance in Carrie and Rienhardt's quests.
- Historical Villain Upgrade: The real Gilles de Rais was certainly not a vampire, but he did end up becoming a mass murderer after the death of Joan of Arc. That said, there's also a downgrade: The real Gilles de Rais was mainly responsible for the sacrifice of children. In this verse, the task was relegated to Actrise.
- Soul Jar: He carried Dracula's soul inside him until it could be reincarnated in Malus's body.
- Suddenly Voiced: Inverted. In the first game, his speech to Reinhardt or Carrie at the top of the second area is voice. In Legacy of Darkness, those same lines are no longer voiced either due to not wanting to pay the actor or because there wasn't enough room on the cartridge.